Worksite Wellness

Step 2: Obtain Management Support

Steps to getting started

Support from management is essential to building a successful wellness program. Visible senior management support is one of the most vital factors in the success of a worksite health promotion program. Senior management executives are responsible for making sure that the organization meets its objectives. They can provide additional assistance by helping you to link your health promotion objectives to business outcomes, thereby positioning health promotion as a fundamental part of the organization.

It is important to create support and excitement for the program from all levels of the corporation including upper management, mid-level management, and grass-root employees.

The challenge for any health promotion coordinator is convincing senior management about the potential value of health promotion to the organization and conceptualizing how health promotion initiatives can impact the organization in a meaningful manner. The American Journal of Health Promotion is a great resource to assist you with obtaining convincing information on the benefits of a health promotion program.

Management can lend support in different ways:

  • Involvement in the planning process
  • Distribution of funding for the wellness program
  • Support for time given to the wellness program
  • Participation in wellness events
  • Leadership by management, such as the distribution of a letter of support for the program.
    Download a sample letter requesting senior management support.
  • Flexible employee schedules to accommodate wellness activities

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